Atomic Structure



Energy, frequency and wavelength.

c=λνc = \lambda \nu


ΔEelectron=Ephoton\Delta{E_{electron}} = E_{photon}

Orbital configuration


Atomic and mass number


Mass spectrum


Continuous spectrum versus discontinuous spectrum

Continuous spectrum Discontinuous spectrum
Continuous energy levels Discrete energy levels
Unbroken sequence of frequencies/colour Only certain frequencies/colours are produced/displayed
Spectrum of visible light Emission/absorption spectra

Emission Spectrum

Hydrogen Emission Spectrum

Series Initial orbit Range Wave emitted
Lyman ni=2,3,4,,n_i = 2, 3, 4 ,\dots ,\infty nf=1n_f = 1 Ultraviolet
Balmer ni=3,4,5,n_i = 3, 4 ,5\dots ,\infty nf=2n_ f= 2 Visible
Paschen ni=4,5,6,n_i = 4 ,5,6\dots ,\infty nf=3n_f = 3 Infrared

Hydrogen Absorption Spectrum

Series Initial orbit Range Wave absorbed
Lyman ni=1n_i = 1 nf=2,3,4,,n_f = 2, 3, 4 ,\dots ,\infty Ultraviolet
Balmer ni=2n_i = 2 nf=3,4,5,n_f = 3, 4 ,5\dots ,\infty Visible
Paschen ni=3n_i = 3 nf=4,5,6,n_f = 4 ,5,6\dots ,\infty Infrared

Atomic models

Bohr’s atomic model

Merits and demerits of Bohr’s model

Merits Demerits
Explained hydrogen emission spectrum Failed to explain multi-electronic system
Explained orbits (2D) Failed to explain wave-particle duality and concept of orbitals (3D)
Energy and radii of orbits were explained. Failed to explain quantum mechanics and splitting of spectral lines of elements with more than one electron.

De Broglie’s wave equation

E=mc2mc2=hcλmc=hλλ=hmc    λ1m \begin{aligned} E &= mc^2\\ mc^2 &= \frac{hc}{\lambda}\\ mc &= \frac{h}{\lambda}\\ \lambda &= \frac{h}{mc}\\[1em] \implies \lambda &\propto \frac{1}{m} \end{aligned}

Wave-Particle Duality

Particle Wave nature
Occupies space Spread out in a space
No two particles can occupy the same space at the same time. (ie, no interference) Two or more waves can co-exist. (there exists interference)
Explained by photo electric effect and black body radiation. Explained by electromagnetic wave theory.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Significance of uncertainty principle

Orbit Orbitals
Well defined circular path around the nucleus in which the electron revolves. The 3D space around the nucleus of the atom having maximum probability of finding the electrons.
Represents the planar (2D) motion of electron. Represents 3D motion of electrons.
Fails to explain De-Broglie principle and Heisenberg’s principle. Explains both the principles.
Circular shape. Has different shapes.
Non-directional in nature Directional in nature.

Electronic Configuration

ss orbitals

pp orbitals

dd orbitals

ff orbitals

Aufbau Principle

Hund’s Rule


Period 3

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Quantum Numbers

Principal Quantum Number (nn)

Azimuthal Quantum Number(ll)

Value of ll Name of subshell
0 ss
1 pp
2 dd
3 ff

Magnetic Quantum Number(mlm_l)

Value of mlm_l Orientation
1-1 pxp_x
00 pyp_y
+1+1 pzp_z

Electron spin quantum number(msm_s)

Patterns in Successive Ionisation Energies (HL)

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